Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Today - January 19

January 19!

This is the birth day of undergarments specifically of briefs! They were sold for the first time today in 1935 by Coopers Inc., in Chicago, Illinois. 30,000 pairs were sold within three months of their introduction. In UK it started in 1938 and soon 3,000 briefs were being sold per week. They became so popular that in 1948, every member of British Olympic team was given a free pair! Hick! The birth of one of the most important fashion statements which evolved at a rate much faster than Darwin could have imagined! :P

Also in India today Indira Gandhi was elected as the Prime Minister in 1966 for the first time as a woman to lead the nation and till now is the only one to do so. She was in this position for nearly fifteen years in three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977 and then again in 1980 until her death in 1984.

Jai Gurudev!

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