Tuesday, 10 November 2009


No one has read my posts till now. Because I have not published my blog yet. And even if someone by any chance came across my posts wandering somewhere they would have never managed to find out my identity. Because I never told who I am. No one could have even imagined from where I am, because I never provided any reference of any place or location or time, or any characters that can have any kind of links to my identity. So till now as I did not make my posts public and even if someone has already visited the posts, there was no way that one can guess who am I or where am I from.

The idea behind this was – to feel more comfortable. If your identity is not known then I think there you have a better degree of freedom of expressing yourself. You can tell the true stories of your life with some fictitious characters in place or you can put down you true feelings about any person or incident that can not be done in normal circumstances. Now someone can think that this is being a cowardice act and I am lacking a strong voice of opinion. May be true to some extent. But the better part is as I told, having a bit of extra space and allowance in expressing yourself.

So now as the title says, its time for revealing myself. Well, not exactly. Sorry for creating all the hypes, but I am not a renowned face on this earth. I am more like a normal face among the sea of thousands of crowds that you meet daily on the signals around the streets, at your office, bar. But then I like keeping my identity still a secret, because it not only does make me feel more free, open and comfortable; it makes the things a little more interesting for the readers. But at the same time I am realizing that it is becoming more and more difficult to manage like this. I need to come up with a fictitious name or character all the time, which is quite not possible. And the true essence of the posts or the opinions expressed by the author gets lost. The purpose of the whole thing is dead itself. So there are some changes that need to be done. And so I decided still not to tell who am I or give any reference of any characters that can lead to me, but there will be a full reference of the time and place in the coming posts. It helps the readers visualizing the thoughts of the author in a better way.

After that if you can find me out, let me know. Enjoy reading! :-)

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